We ran this unit with our Year 7 students to introduce them to the micro:bits and also to Python. Previously these students had only coded in Scratch so this was their first foray into textual coding. Rather than using the micro:bit website for this unit we installed the local version of the Mu MicroPython editor.
This unit was a cross-curricular project between the Computer Science and Textiles department which culminated in the students creating an eTextiles bag which incorporated AdaFruit NeoPixels and the micro:bit into the bag. I will post an update about the outcomes of the project shortly. However, there is no reason why the lesson slides could not be adapted for a more general course.
Lesson 10 in this set was used for the Race to the Line competition, but should prove a good starting point for a lesson on file handling and data logging with micro:bits and MicroPython.
All lessons are in Google Slides format with teacher notes in the notes section. Please feel free to use within the Creative Commons license listed at the end of the page. Many of the examples used in the code come from the very excellent Micro:Bit MicroPython documentation over on the readthedocs site.
- Lesson 1 – Introduction to the micro:bit and Python
- Lesson 2 – What is “Wearable Tech”?
- Lesson 3 – Text and Images
- Lesson 4 – Animations
- Lesson 5 – Sensors and Buttons
- Lesson 6 – External Devices
- Lesson 7 – Code your own micro:bit – PseudoCode
- Lesson 8 – 9 – Code your own micro:bit
- Lesson 10 – File Handling
Year 7 micro:bit lessons by Jon Witts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.