SHS Blue Moodle Theme

This is for discussion about the SHS Blue Moodle theme that is available to download on the Moodle site.

SHS Blue Screengrab

Please post any comments or questions you have about it here.

9 thoughts on “SHS Blue Moodle Theme

  1. Hi, I deploying moodle server for our institution. I found this theme is cool and good. I modified header.html as per my requirement. But when I chosen the theme the default menu is appearing on front page.

    Could you suggest me

  2. I am interested in installing this theme on a new Moodle 1.9 site. I am a new Moodle user, but I am familiar with PHP and MySQL. Can you provide some basic instructions on how to install this theme?

    1. Hi Greg,

      The best place for instructions and documentation on installing theme for Moodle is always going to be the best place to start:

      The only difference with this theme is that the links in the drop down menus are hard coded into the header.html file in the theme folder. Open this file up and edit them before you upload it to your server, or your drop down menu links may well all point back to my current Moodle install!

      Let me know if you have problems with it.


    1. Hi Mir,

      This theme is compatible with the 1.9 branch of Moodle only. It may work with earlier branches; but will NOT work with Moodle 2.x

      When I have time, and when I work out the new theme engine I will update it.


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